Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Yom Tov - Good Day (So far)

I had my Hebrew final this morning, and actually, I understood 99%...which is amazing. Now if I answered correctly, that's a different story. But we'll see. Hopefully I did well enough that they let me into the next class. At the end we had to write a paragraph, so I wrote about my family...and I wrote: "I am from Chicago. I have a mom and dad and sister, Katie. Katie is 26 and pregnant!!! We are a happy family. I like drinking soda, and going to the mall to buy new clothes. I want to study Middle East studies at the university." =) I'm great!!!! It seems so short when I type it, but it took me a bit to write it in Hebrew. And I looked up the word pregnant last night just so I could write it on the test!!

After the test, I had lunch with two other girls here and then we went to workout. Getting into the gym was a process because I hadn't paid or registered to use it yet. So I was doing well, then the lady asked for my physical from the doctor...obviously I didn't get one here, so I had to go to the Middle East studies program office and get a copy of the physical I sent when I applied to the program. This isn't really a big deal, except I was very near the office earlier in the day and it's probably more than 100 degrees outside, so everything takes a lot of effort. Alas, I got what I needed and I completed registering and I was ready to workout...and it was awesome to sweat from making my own heartrate go up, than just sweating from standing in place outside in the sun. Of course, after, I jumped in the pool and now I'm ready for a nap before our teacher appreciation picnic tonight. There is suppose to be karaoke, and lots of free food, so it should be awesome. =)

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