After a great Saturday morning drawing and painting with Troy and Mustafa, the girls arrived from Baumholder!

(Drawing in Mustafa's studio. Troy lives with an artist who comes and paints during the day. It is so relaxing to set back and not think of anything but the lines, colors, shades...)
Seeing Joy was so overwhelming. Leaving Germany was really hard for me and a lot of those emotions came back, but since it's Joy she quickly smoothed them. The girls were so adorable and had a really hard time calling me Andrea instead of "Miss Wiese." We did so many things, I think we were all so exhausted.

Emily and Sarah inside the Blue Mosque

The girls and I in front of Aya Sofya! The inside really is incredible.
Palace Cistern
It is a vast underground water storage tank originally built by Constantine the Great. It was enlarged by Justinian in the 6th century. The cistern was largely neglected after the fall of the Byzantine Empire in 1453.

Sarah, Emily, and Ataturk!!!!

Topkapi Palace...the first Ottoman Palace built in Constantinople.
Joy with the was Sarah and Emily's first steps in ASIA!

This was Emily and Sarah's first time playing tavla (backgammon) and they both beat my really good friend Hakan!

Joy, Emily, and Sarah outside of Istanbul was a great modern art museum. Some of the works really challenged my views on the Middle East.
So as you can see, we did soooo much. I love sharing the culture here. And everything I do something, I see something new and different. I can't wait to see them again!