Friday, June 09, 2006

I didn't die.

I didn't die, but my computer did!! I know, very sad. But I new one is on the way, a Dell Inspiron 710M. I bought it on eBay!! (Not so my style, but I think it was a good decision!!) So my dad is bringing it to me next Saturday when he comes to golf with me for Father's Day and my birthday!! I can't wait to see him, we'll have a fabulous time!! Plus, it'll be between summer sessions and very stress free!!!

I tried to give blood the past two mornings, unsuccessfully! But I think when I get more sleep tonight, I'll be successful tomorrow!! I've been doing a lot of homework and a lot of mitzvahs! I helped with golf bags yesterday morning at the Rotary/Muncie Mission golf outing! Tried to give blood, and went to my professor's home and cut his bushes. On Saturday I'm going to plant some tomato plants and some flowers in his garden!! He's an awesome man!! He's over 80 years old and escaped communist China by going to Taiwan and then made it to the US. His father wasn't as lucky and died in a communist prison since he would not support the cause. But after trimming his immensely overgrown shrubbery, my shoulders are quite sour, but it's a good feeling!

I am well on my way on my 10 page paper for my Civil War history class. Captain Francis Adams Donaldson and I have become quite involved indeed!! My article reviews for Public Policy about the new immigration reforms are going well too! So everything should be nicely finish up next week when classes come to an abrupt end!

Conferences are finally moving in on Saturday! So Stu-west won't be quite so empty! I'm looking forward to it, but I'll have to stop walking around in just my underwear now :-( I'd most likely frighten the campers!!


Ray said...

0k, boy in the plaid shorts... feel free to come home with me!

Andrea said...

hahaha, he is a cutie pie, but I'm not so sure what his girlfriend would say about it.