Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Monument to the Negev Brigade

Last weekend when I was in Beer Sheva, Roi, some friends, and I hiked up to the Negev Brigade Monument. I didn't think we would make it in time for the sunset, but we did and it was so beautiful!

Some nice shadows! =) 

Roi holding the sun! 

Me and Beeba!!! 

Yes, we're cute =) 


For Easter I traveled to Jerusalem, the holiest Christian city. There were pilgrims from all over the world. And people from so many different sects of Christianity, it was really an impressive site. 

This is the precession leading into the Church of the Holy Sepulchral.  

Inside the church there were hundreds of people gathered around the place where Jesus was said to have risen. 

Cardinal? I'm not sure. 

There was lots of singing and beautiful music. 

Catholic traditions/rituals. 

So beautiful and moving. =) 

My Easter outfit! 

Eyes and other updates!

My eyes are really a lot better. Not perfect yet, but I can really see. I don't feel like there is a "problem." Sometimes if I am tired things are a little blurry. But the doctor said it was normal, the vision would go up and down for a while until it would finally stabilize.

Also, I received my tickets for working this summer with NFTY! And the dates that I will be in the US. I am starting orientation June 14th, flying to Prague June 19th, (my birthday is June 20th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Fly back to Europe on June 26th from Warsaw.  We'll be traveling Israel for 4 weeks and we'll return together (the kids and me) on July 25th! I will land in Chicago at 8:45pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited!!!!!!!!!

I also have my graduation ceremony at Ben Gurion on June 12th! Since I was out of the country for my undergrad graduation, it will be nice to attend this one.

Not much else is happening. I will start another month of ulpan tomorrow. This is wonderful, I hope I will be more productive again.  I have been lazy, and watching a lot of movies lately. Including the Royal Wedding yesterday! I didn't care about the wedding at all until yesterday, but when I was at the gym it was on the BBC. I walked at the gym for over 2 hours so I could watch it! I was soooo addicted! It was such a fairytale and truly beautiful. Way to go, Kate! 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Happy Passover!

I know I have been on a long hiatus from blogging, but I have a very good reason, I had LASIK (actually PRK) eye surgery to correct my vision. So I literally couldn't see.  But the doctor said the surgery went really well and everything is progressing correctly. It's difficult because my eyes were so bad, so even if they improve right after the surgery, they are probably still worse than what most people have ever experienced. But I am really hoping that my eyes become perfect. The cells are regrowing correctly right now. It's weird and difficult in this in between stage, but I'm trying to be patient. Roi has been helping me every step of the way, I don't think I could have done it without him.

I am really hoping to have a full recovery by the beginning of May, one because I will take another month of ulpan and I want to be able to read and see the board, and two, a friend and I are going to Petra, in Jordan, and to climb Mt. Sinai in Egypt. We just want to make sure there aren't any more commandments there that got left behind. =)

I hope you have a wonderful Pesach/Passover holiday with your friends and family.  I like Pesach because it always reminds me that I have only ever known freedom and I am so grateful for that. חג פסח שמח!! Happy Passover!